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read an online review of "idag" at "All About Jazz" 

review of the new CD "idag" in a swedish newspaper

A genuine representative
for a timeless musicianship

Lars-Erik Norrström trio:
(LJ Records)

The pianist Lars-Erik Norrström is
a musician who seems to love to
perform his music free from all
.....His rhytmic vigour and
his never ending melodic flow
makes him stand out as a genuine
representative for a timeless mu-
sicianship. On his own terms
though, he is constantly working
with the unexpected.
.....In creativity and innovation
is often inherit the ability to ig-
nore limitations and obstacles.
It is about going beyond the
frames that tradition and habit
has imposed on a dated or typical
of the age artistic expression.
Norrström is pursuing his cause un-
compromisingly, yet with a
complete conviction and an.....

immovable sense of being on
the right track.
.....In fourteen compositions
of his own, some of them as
loose thematic sketches, Norrström
lets his brilliant accompaniment
- bass player Bruno Råberg, living
and working in the US, and drummer
Terje Sundby - build the rhytmic
complexity up, creating dynamics
and awareness that will leave few
.....The trio is working with ease,
listening and feeling each others
ideas, adding and subtracting.
There is something intuitive, almost
telepathic in their playing together,
fascinating in its lack of prestige
and gestures. They seem to have
a signalling system of their own
in which every individual intention
is commented by somebody else.
.....It is a strange and exciting
experience that takes a good amount
of time to "consume".
...............Christer Nilsson
...............[Ystads Allehanda]

from a review of a concert at the Music Conservatory in Gothenburg

---- The last year saw the release of Lars-Erik Norrströms remarkable CD "Let's Take another Dream". Norrström is a very personal composer with a special sense for timbre which he applies to computers and synthesizers. It was very exciting to be able to follow Norrström's way of working in a "live" situation. As a bonus the enchanted - and pleasantly large - audience was to hear Norrström's brilliant acoustic piano playing. Norrström is undoubtedly to be regarded as one of our great profiles in music! ----

LENNART BLOMBERG, Göteborgs-Posten


review of the solo-CD "Let'¨s Take Another Dream" in Dagens Nyheter

and ugly

Lars-Erik Norrström:
Let's Take Another Dream
(LJ Rec / CDA)

It is in the cross-draught between
the acoustic piano, the synthesizers,
and the pre-programmed sequencer
tracks that Lars-Erik Norrström
is forming his music. The scope is
wide and incorporates fusion
rhytms as well as sacral, medita-
tative atmospheres, hyper techno-
logical music of the future and
desolately anacronistic piano
......The approach turns "Let's
Take Another Dream
" into an
exciting trip where the brutally ugly
and caressingly beautiful pairs to
perpetually new timbres.
......Throughout evident is an
attack and a spontaneity reminding
of Joe Zawinul in his prime; a faith
in the immediate and the improvised
as a basis of bold descents or
daring constructions.

It is obvious that Lars-Erik
Norrström doesn't fear the
real odd encounters, like the
confrontation between a church
organ and flipper electronics
in "Contradictions" or the
brutal cacophony in "Hi-
ding the Parachute is a Stan-
dard Procedure". On the other
hand, he can be almost unam-
bigously rhytmic and a dancer as in
"New Hope" or evergreen
melodic as in "the Listener".
in "Let's Take Another Dream",
though, is the majesticly visual
"Celestial". Like a spaceship
landing on a remote heavenly
body it slowly descends through
one sonic atmospheric layer after
the other. Bewitching!
......Dagens Nyheter

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