kejsarens nya kläder, andra sidan, let's take another dream, den lilla staden
idag, vogel, still alive, poetic licence, ariadne the trio

Let's Take AnotherDream


Lars-Erik Norrström

let's take another dream
LJ records
LJCD 5206



recording date

recorded at Studio Getinge, Sweden, 1992 by JAN ARVIDSSON


all music composed, arranged, and performed by LARS-ERIK NORRSTRÖM
synthezisers and live-controlled computer, acoustic piano and soprano recorder


1 - New Hope [5'40]
8 - Passacaglia [9'07]

2 - Celestial [6'48]
9 - Piano Piece 1 [1'05]

3 - Dirge [2'39]
10 - Let's Take another Dream [6'07]


4 - At The Sea[2'33]   11 - The Listener [2'38]


5 - Andromeda [3'23]   12 - Algerian [2'58]


6 - Contradictions [1'47]   13 - Solo Lines [1'14]

7 - Hiding The Parachute Is
.....A Standard Procedure

14 - Spiritual [6'07]